a LuxSoft product

LuxCal Event calendar

Installation Instructions - First Time

For first-time installations of the LuxCal Event Calendar, follow the instructions in the installation_guide.html.

Installation Instructions - Upgrade to a new version

To upgrade your LuxCal calendar to a new version follow the Upgrade Instructions below.

Upgrade Instructions
Important Notes:
  1. This LuxCal version is a major release with important changes, improvements and bug fixes. Before upgrading you may want to read the change log, which can be viewed in the release notes on the LuxCal web site in the LuxCal Forum under What's New.
  2. Before going any further be sure to back up your database, via the admin's Database page, or by copying the database file(s) (files with extension .cdb) and store the backup file(s) in a safe place. Before going any further be sure to back up your database, via the admin's Database page, or via an external tool (like phpMyAdmin) and store the backup file in a safe place.
What you MUST read before upgrading:
Thereafter carefully follow the next steps:
  1. When upgrading from a LuxCal version lower than 2.7.2, first upgrade to LuxCal 2.7.2 (Ask the LuxCal team to send you a LuxCal 2.7.2 zip-file).
  2. Delete all LuxCal files and sub-folders in the calendar folder on the server, EXCEPT . . .
    • THE FILE lcconfig.php (if current LuxCal version 2.7.2 or greater) OR lcaldbc.dat (if LuxCal version < 2.7.2) IN THE CALENDAR ROOT FOLDER.
    • THE FOLDERS: attachments, files, logs, reciplists and thumbnails AND THEIR CONTENT.
  3. The LuxCal calendar zip-file you've downloaded contains the following compresssed files: luxcalxxx-calendar.zip and luxcalxxx-toolbox.zip. Unzip the file luxcalxxx-calendar.zip and upload all files and folders to the calendar root on the server. Keep the file luxcalxxx-toolbox.zip for possible later use.
  4. Launch the calendar by browsing to the calendar root on the server. The upgrade script will start automatically and if the upgrade is successful, select Start Calendar.
  5. If the calendar is displayed successfully, delete the following files from the calendar root: installxxx.php and upgradexxx.php
  6. If you are using email recipient lists in the emlists folder, copy your email recipient list files to the new reciplists folder.
  7. Save a backup copy of the file lcconfig.php, located in the calendar root folder, which contains the LuxCal version number and the calendar database credentials.
Multiple Calendars

This LuxCal version supports multiple calendars sharing the same database. These calendars are fully independent and have their own settings and styles. The advantage of multiple calendars is that the software is installed just once - so easy upgrading - and that only one database is needed. For details see the installation_guide.html - section 4.

This LuxCal version supports multiple calendars, each using its own SQLite calendar database. These calendars are fully independent and have their own settings and styles. For details on how to install multiple calendars see the installation_guide.html - section 4.

Periodic Functions

Note: If you want to use the calendar's periodic functions, like sending email or SMS reminders, exporting events in iCalendar format, etc., you need to set up a cron job which runs daily at approximately 2.30 AM and starts the lcalcron.php script in the calendar's root folder. Details on how to define a cron job can be found in the header of the file lcalcron.php. Depending on the configuration settings, the lcalcron.php script will execute the following functions:

*) if activated on the admin's Settings page

Language Files

If you have translated one of the user interface language files into an other language, you should be aware of the following.

Each user-interface language is defined in three language files: ({lang} is the name of the language)

For the language files character encoding "utf-8 without BOM" (BOM = Byte Order Mark) is recommended.

All language files included in the LuxCal download are up to date with this LuxCal version. However, for certain languages we could not translate the new and changed texts. These texts were added / changed in English and still need to be translated.

Change Log

The full change log can be viewed on the LuxSoft web site in the release notes in the LuxCal forum under "What's New". A detailed, more technical, list of changes can be found in the Developper's Notes in the file DevNotes-xx.txt in the calendar root folder.

 - End of Release Notes -

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